I’m Emma 👋
Your geeky go-to girl and down-to-earth Aussie sensei here to help you evolve into a successful WordPress web developer.

“Yeah, um, yo.
I’d like one order of career fulfilment, a side of creative freedom, and uninhibited access to uncapped profit, please. Oh, and some parmesan fries. Cheers.”
— Your cute, clever designer self chatting with the Universe.
Ding! Your order’s up.

In my past life…
I was a creative designer just like you.
I hustled hard, stretching my creativity thin to craft pretty creations that I had to hand over to “techy” website developers to code into complete crap.
Yep, that’s not a typo. Complete. Crap.
Because time after time I watched helplessly as heavy-handed developers butchered my beautiful designs.
… All while I struggled to build a business that actually supported my dream lifestyle.
Sound familiar? Uh-huh. I get it.
But then I learned to D.W.D.M (Do Web Dev Myself).
It was one of the best entrepreneurial dance moves I ever made. My whole business evolved, shimmying me onto a path where I could:

Earn more (like TRIPLE my income potential).

Outsource less (saving me SO much stress ‘cause I no longer had to rely on unreliable developers).

Enjoy more freedom (so I could work less and play more).

Open up recurring revenue streams (that tamed the ups and downs of my cash flow rollercoaster and turned it into predictable, sustainable and profitable pennies in my pocket).
And, lovely, I haven’t looked back since.

Which is why I’m here to teach you how to do the exact same thing…
But without the stress, overwhelm, mansplaining, confusion, and caffeine-chugging complexity that I went through.
Because the myth that designers can’t be developers? B.S. And the idea that building websites is cray hard? Yeah, nah. It doesn’t have to be.
I’m here to drop-kick all the techy BS, web dev jargon and overwhelming information keeping you from creating your dream web design biz.
Because the truth is that it can be easy as apple pie to build a gorgeous website without touching a single line of code. Y’know, because my courses show you how. Step by stress-free step.
So, love, it’s time to stop outsourcing your creativity and start unleashing your inner web design genius.
Grab a sausage dog (it’s okay, I have two to share 🐶🌭🐶🌭), and let’s get started.

The messed-up myths of web development

Building WordPress websites is crazy complicated and heart-breakingly hard (It’s not! Or, at least, it doesn’t have to be.)

Only professional web developers should build websites (Pfft. Please. You’re a creative entrepreneur – this is going to be a cakewalk for you.)

You’ve gotta know how to code if you want to build a website. (Yeah, nah. You really don’t. You can build a beautiful and polished website without touching a single line of code, trust me.)

Professional web designers don’t use page builders. (Um. What? That’d be like saying hairdressers don’t use scissors. Page builders are invaluable tools, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of using them.)

Page builders like Divi & Elementor are only for amateurs and result in crappy websites (Alright, so, in the wrong hands, even the best scissors in the world can’t save you from the worst haircut you’ve ever had. The same goes for page builders. They’re simply a tool that you need to learn to wield wisely. Which is why I’m here!)

My passion-filled purpose
Tax. Global pandemics. Self-checkout lanes (no, I haven’t removed the bloody item, thanks).
Life is stressful enough. Upskilling and levelling up into a pro AF website developer shouldn’t be. Which is why I’m here to gently guide you through the tools, templates and tactics that’ll have you effortlessly evolving into a website developer with a successful and stress-free business.
Which adventure is calling your name?

your creative designer self into a pro web developing genius

a streamlined, successful web dev business you love

your new website with a beautiful, 100% customisable template

This course transformed how do business. Emma has created something truly great that speaks “designer” and not some alien language.

I’m so confident in my process now. Plus I have set prices and they’re higher than ever.

Emma is more than a mentor, she’s a leader. She empowers through educating AND resourcing her students to be the best they can be.